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Glass Painting, First Phase

In this post we present a gallery of images of a glass painting phase for a stained glass window and more precisely showing the intricate lines called tracing lines, the glass that we’ve used is mouth blown glass from the German firm Lamberts, clear glass and cathedral glass.

In this case due to the thinness of the lines the pigment is mixed with essentials oils and further diluted with terpentine, after the first firing in the kiln at 650°C we will add transparent enamels and yellow stain.

This stained glass has a typical Islamic design from Morocco and the regions of North Africa, it is designed and made in Italy by Ikostudio.


Work in Progress on an Arabian Style Stained Glass
The pannel displayed on a light-table



Details of arabian style paint work
Details of the painted lines on this Arabian Style Stained Glass



Details of glass painting on border of arabian style window
Details of Painted Border