Glass Painting Final Phase

Glass Painting Final Phase

This post glass painting final phase includes photos and texts of the stained glass work in progress in Italy by the artist Diego Tolomelli.

Once the all the painting has been finished, one of the best ways to check the painting and shading is to temporarily attach the individual pieces of painted glass to a large plate of glass. This enables you to hold the glass up against the light and admire the painted pieces, checking that the shading is uniform and where necessary improve it.

Glass painting phas for a Italian stained glass window before leading, Glass Painting Final Phase

The traditional method to attach the glass was to use melted wax, but to be honest this is a rather long process. In the last few years I’ve substituted the wax with plasticine. It’s much quicker, but it is important not to leave the plate of glass standing vertical for too long, especially if it’s warm in the studio, as the individual pieces can fall off and break.

Checking quality of a Italian stained glass window, Glass Painting Final Phase

This post, Glass Painting Final Phasecan be followed by a vision of our videos on our Youtube profile.