Glass Painting, First Phase
Glass Painting, First Phase In this post we present a gallery of images of a glass painting phase for a stained glass window and more precisely showing the intricate lines called tracing lines, the glass that we’ve used is mouth blown glass from the German firm Lamberts, clear glass and cathedral glass. In this case due to […]
Video – Lamps
Video presentation of stained glass wall lamps
Manolo Brings a Taste of South America to Stained Glass Course
Riassunto di due settimane intensive di corso di vetrate artistiche.
Lo studente ha realizzato due lavori, il primo raffigurante un pappagallo ara in mosaico di vetro cattedrale tessuto a piombo e la seconda opera in stile Maya raffigurante un orca, realizzato in mosaico di vetro colorato a piombo con pittura a grisaglia e smalti.
Religious Stained Glass Madonna and Christ Child
Religious Stained Glass Mary and Child, (Madonna and Christ Child) hand painted and leaded Italian renaissance style stained glass window
Glass Painting Final Phase
Questo post descrive una delle fasi finali di lavorazione delle vetrate artistiche, quando il mosaico di vetro colorato e dipinto a grisaglia viene montato su una lastra di vetro trasparente ed ammirato per una fase di controllo finale delle ombreggiature.
Una volta soddisfatti del lavoro realizzato i vetri vengono tessuti a piombo e la vetrata artistica viene stuccata.
Costanza’s Blue Jay Window
Questo post illustra il lavoro compiuto in una settimana intensiva di corso di vetrate artistiche, la studentessa ha realizzato una notevole opera lavorata con vetri cattedrali e soffiati, dipinta a grisaglia e smalti.
Bathroom Over-Mirror Wall Mounted Lamp.
Wall lamp designed for a bathroom. The lamp consists of one large stained glass panel, painted with stains, enamels and grisaglia. It is housed in a handmade strucutre that supports the light.
Intensive Courses – September
Intensive stained glass courses offered by IKO Stuido and hosted at The Arts Pad. Students can choose between techniques for: Tiffany glass, leading, painting on stained glass and kiln firing.
Book Review “Clara and Mr. Tiffany”
Book Review “Clara and Mr. Tiffany” a fantastic book written by Susan
Stained Glass Ferret
Different phases for the creation of a stained glass Ferret inspired by a tile decoration by William De Morgan, made in Italy